Viewed 53 times 1 Answers
کسی اطلاع داره برای اپلای تو این دانشگاه باید دو تا استاد داشته باشیم؟ اخه استادم این پیامو داده کسی میدونه منظورش چیه؟ If you'd like, I could write a letter of recommendation You'll need to include contact information for two people, which will consist essentially of their title, their affiliation, and their email address Then the admissions committee will request letters on your behalf It's the only way for me to address the committee directly, but I'd be happy to do it.
2021-09-16 10:41:00 Ottawa دانشگاه #دانشگاه
1 Reply
سلام باید دو نفر که شما باشون درس داشتید یا کار کرده بودین رو معرفی کنید مثل استاد مشاور سوپروایزر ...
2021-09-16 10:43:00
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